Latin America

Serving Jesus Christ in Paraguay
Rich and Beth Donaldson
(Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
The Donaldsons began their missionary service in Iquitos, Peru. Their 14 year ministry in Peru included administrating the camp, teaching at the Bible Institute and church planting. In January of 2001 they transferred to the country of Paraguay where they have been involved in a church plant that began with the Alcaraz family. From May of 2002 until the end of 2007 they held services in their home. In 2005 God provided a property nearby on which they began a building project for the church. In 2007 they began using the building as they continued to make progress on the construction as God provided funds to do so. Following are a few prayer requests from their Email to us:
Please pray for our kids and adults to stay healthy through this time of year. Please pray for the many families that have been affected by unusual flooding in the east and south of the country.
Pray for the Fields and Griffins, our co-workers that are on furlough ministries: for safety in travels, that God would use their presentations in churches to speak to hearts and call others to His service and for special times with family and friends.
Tasha and Nate are doing well and each are busy with jobs this summer. Pray for Nate in his application and hopeful acceptance in a technical institute for this fall. Pray for each of them to be good testimonies in their work places. 

Serving Jesus Christ in Chili
Pedro and Stephanie Garcia
(Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
Pedro and Stephanie Garcia are from the country of Chile. Through the power of adoption, the Garcias have been blessed to serve as parents to five beautiful children.

For up to date information cut and past the following:

 It is their goal to involve us more closely in the ministry as we pray for them.